FBF Trilogy Celluloid- Clerks (1994)

Clerks revolved around Dante Hicks (Brian O’Halloran).  He gets called into work at Quick Stop Groceries.  His boss promised to be there at noon.  Oh, Well!  Dante arrived and set up the store.  Who put gum in the locks?  A bunch of savages live in this town.  Ok, shoe polish and fabric; Check!  I Assure You We’re Open.  Cigarettes, we have those in stock.

“What do you want those for?  Hold this. (hands customer a ring)”, said interrupting fan to customer. “What’s this? Oh, no!  Look dude, I’m tolerant but I don’t accept this.”, said customer.  “Huh?  No, no!  It’s a tracheal ring”, said the interrupter.  “If I were like that, I would have to a lot more to work with”, said the customer.  “Typical, I offer a ring and get a zing”, said the Chewlie’s gum rep.

The Chewlie’s rep was a real, rebel rouser.  (Fire Extinguisher discharged)  Veronica saves Dante’s ass again, Typical.  Wait, when does the video store open?  Randal (Jeff Anderson) was the type that late being born and late to his funeral.  He’s the counter jockey at RST Video, next to Quick Stop.  He won’t be stepped on but does stepping instead.  “As long as Chewlie’s, I’ll allow it”, the rep interrupted.  “Step off, pal.  We’ve already go two loiterers and they deal just fine.”, said Randal.

Dante’s dealt with gum in the locks, a gum slinging demagogue, and a late friend.  What else could wrong?  Who are those two loiterers in front of the store?  Well, Welcome to New Jersey!

Clerks was the first installment in Kevin Smith’s New Jersey Trilogy.  It was blunt and critically acclaimed.  Fans reveled in Jay and Silent Bob’s loitering, Randal’s fresh mouth, and Dante’s every man.  Jeff Anderson and Brian O’Halloran would revive their characters in Clerks:  The Animated Series, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II, and Clerks III (still in development).

Viewers will begin to notice a pattern of Star Wars themed jokes in all three films. However, the characters will intersect in Mallrats and Chasing Amy as well .  The following names should be kept in mind for the second and third part:  Willam Black, Caitlin Bree, Brad Michaelson, Alyssa Jones, Allan Harris, Brad Michaelson, Rick Derris, Julie Dwyer, and Jay and Silent Bob.

However, the film had an alternate ending.  The link is shared below and it would have altered Kevin Smith’s other Jersey films.  Also, Smith pulled a Spielberg as well.  Dogma was to be the next appearance of Jay and Silent Bob.  However, he decided to film Mallrats next and wait on Dogma until 1999.  Smith chose wisely and allowed his project to mature.  Viewers know that mature is a stretch with his humor but not with his philosophy.

(The Dialogue featured in this post is original and not in the film)


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