MCM Love Celluloid- Sylvester Stallone in Creed (2015)

Creed begins with a young juvenile delinquent named Adonis Johnson.  He has been in the system and is unsure about parents.  However, a woman named Mary Ann (Phylicia Rashad) shows up one day and is there to take him home.  She tells him that his late father was a famous boxer; his name was Creed.

Fifteen years later, Adonis (Michael B. Jordan) is fighting on weekends in Tijuana and day trades during the week.  However, he gets cocky and decides to challenge a rival; the winner gets Adonis’ boxing gym.  He loses his gym and also left a well paying office job.  What would possess a successful, young man to this action?  Adonis wants to follow in Apollo’s footsteps.  Mary disapproves of this action and he sets off to Philadelphia.

Once in Philadelphia, Adonis works to seek Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) as his trainer and mentor.  Little does he know, what Philly has in store for him.  He finds an atypical musician named Bianca (Tessa Thompson).  She is his noisy neighbor but her backstory is just as colorful as Adonis’.  However, he will have other unforeseen opportunities that could lead to his dream coming to life.

Will Rocky take on Adonis as a mentor?  Will Bianca be more than just a neighbor? Will Adonis suffer the same fate as his late father?

Creed flies high on the wings of director/co-writer Ryan Coogler.  He taps into what made Stallone’s Rocky such a phenomena.  However, he takes it one step further and makes it a sport style, docudrama film.  Maryse Alberti’s visceral camera work captures boxing like never before.  Ludwig Goransson’s score provides a visceral, adrenaline rush to this crowd pleaser.

However, a director is nothing without great performers.  Sylvester Stallone is funny and heartfelt as Rocky.  He is bound for Oscar gold as “His Best Imaginary Friend”.  Phylicia Rashad is terrific as Mary Ann Creed.  Michael B. Jordan gives a bold performance as Adonis.  Tessa Thompson’s turn as Bianca is reminiscent of Talia Shire’s Adrian.

Certain film goers will find themselves enthralled with the closing moments of this film.  Any visitors to Philadelphia (this blogger included) have felt the same way and it will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Get a ringside seat for this must see film.



Unlikely Detective Celluloid- Inherent Vice (2014)

Protesters, Counter culture, Drugs, & Real Estate? Is Fox News having wet dreams again? 

No, it’s Inherent Vice!

Doc Sportello (Joaquin Phoenix), a P.I., sent on a wild goose case by his girlfriend Shasta to investigate Mickey Wolfmann. Meanwhile, Sportello is constantly dodging and coincendently crossing paths with Lt. Det. “Bigfoot” Bjornsen (Josh Brolin). Bjornsen is a lone wolf just like Doc but then again?
Nothing is as it seems once the wild case unfolds.

Paul Thomas Anderson has masterfully adapted Thomas Pynchon’s novel. Phoenix and Brolin play off of each other masterfully. They are surrounded by an ensemble including Reese Witherspoon and Martin Short.

If a viewer has ever wondered, what Adam 12 and Dragnet would look like on an acid trip? P.T. Anderson’s Inherent Vice answers that question and delves into many more.

(This review was originally written on June 28, 2015.)

TBT Loose Trilogy Celluloid- Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

Silver Linings Playbook revolved around Patrick, a former English teacher.  He was committed after severely assaulting a History teacher.  The teacher was having an affair with Nikki, his now estranged wife, and Patrick walked in on them.  Patrick’s actions caused him to be fired from his job and committed to a Maryland institution.  However, Delores, his mother, decided to have him released back into the custody of her and Pat, Sr., his father.

Upon coming home to Philadelphia, he finds that Pat, Sr. lost his job and is now a bookie. However, Pat is just focused on two things:  Getting his job and his wife back.  Yet, Nikki sold their house and left him after the incident.  His world is still in turmoil after some heated domestic incidents.  Although, an atypical dinner invite by Ronnie and Veronica will potentially change his life.  Tiffany, Veronica’s sister, isn’t exactly a delicate flower.  She is a widow who lost her husband in a car accident.

Will this estranged husband and widow find comfort or rage with each other?  Will Nikki ever come back to Patrick?

Silver Linings Playbook was based on Matthew Quick’s novel.  David O’Russell directed and adapted this delicate tale of heartache and redemption.  He showed viewers a blunt portrayal of bipolar disorder and loss.  Bradley Cooper gave fans  more than a pretty face as Patrick.  Jennifer Lawrence gave us a sailor’s mouth and soul trapped in a emotionally, tortured vessel.  Robert De Niro gave fans a concerned father who wanted his son back.  Jackie Weaver’s Delores showed that a mother’s love and dedication never stopped.

The film was nominated for 8 2013 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actor (Bradley Cooper), and Best Director (David O’Russell).  However, Jennifer Lawrence won Best Actress for her role as Tiffany.   The film established Bradley Cooper as more than that guy from The Hangover.  It further solidified Lawrence as one of Hollywood’s young actresses to watch.  They would team up together in American Hustle  Joy with O’Russell.

When we feel our most vulnerable, remember that there is always a Silver Lining.


True Resolve Celluloid- Bridge of Spies (2015)

“To keep a Russian spy alive in case an American gets captured…”

Bridge of Spies revolved around a captured Soviet spy who is accused of spying on the U.S. during the Cold War.  Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) was brought to trial and defended by an insurance attorney?  Yes, James B. Donovan was handed a D.O.A. defendant in Abel.  Donovan informed Judge Byers that we may need Abel for a potential prisoner swap.  Byers was baffled by this notion.  However, he reluctantly sentenced Abel to a 30 year prison sentence.

Donovan’s plan was about to play out in real life.  Lt. Francis Powers, a U-2 spy plane pilot, was on a Top Secret mission over Russia.  He was shot down and sentenced to 10 years in a Russian prison.  Meanwhile, Frederic Pryor, an associate Yale Economics professor, was studying in Berlin and was captured in East Berlin. He was trying to leave before the West was sealed off.

Donovan wanted to swap Abel for Powers and Pryor with the C.I.A.’s assistance.  However, the C.I.A. just wanted Powers.  Jim had his heart set on both.  The C.I.A. let him pursue this on one condition.  He must go to East Berlin and negotiate the swap with the Russians.  His family wouldn’t be aware of this.  Would Jim Donovan survive East Berlin?  What about Pryor and Evans would they be returned to the U.S.?

Bridge of Spies reunites Tom Hanks with Spielberg and The Coen Brothers for this potboiler. He is brilliantly directed by Steven Spielberg.  The true story is scripted masterfully by Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, & Matt Sharman. Hanks is joined by a great ensemble including Oscar-nominee Mark Rylance, Amy Ryan, Daikin Matthews, and Alan Alda.  Janusz Kaminski captures every taut moment. He makes viewers feel beautiful clarity from the U.S. courtrooms to the subzero East Berlin.

Bridge of Spies is one of 2015’s Ten Best Films. It has been nominated for six 2016 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actor (Mark Rylance).  Mark Rylance won Best Supporting Actor for his role as Rudolf Abel.

Hanks brings humor, warmth, and subtle life to James Donovan.  Spielberg has captured the Cold War as himself and a certain generation remembered.  My generation won’t know “Duck and Cover Drills” in case of a nuclear attack or be able to find a fallout shelter.

However, we now know the story of insurance attorney, James B. Donovan.  He took a doomed Russian spy and set a unexpected precedent for future prisoner swaps.  Here’s to Jim Donovan, a real American hero.






Hollywood’s Celluloid Theme in 2015 Was Captivity- Op Ed

Oscars are so lily white.  Oscars be held in captivity?  No, you read that correctly. Spike Lee Got It Wrong!  Seven out of eight 2016 Best Picture Nominees deal with captivity.

The Big Short focuses on mortgage lenders holding Americans hostage to high rates & payments.

Bridge of Spies dealt with a Russian spy being imprisoned and not executed.  The spy was saved by the insurance lawyer and would be used potentially in rescuing two Americans.

Mad Max:  Fury Road dealt with sex trafficking, slavery, and human captivity.  Max was prized for his blood by the War Boys.  Furiosa freed the five brides of Immortan Joe.  However, Max was also freed unintentionally by her as well.  The Citadel residents were held hostage by Immortan Joe.  He doled the water and incited riots among the residents.

The Martian found Mark Watney, an American astronaut, left for dead during a Martian sandstorm.  He is forced into captivity for survival.  He had to ration food supplies and organize his own rescue back to Earth.

The Revenant followed fur trapper/frontiersman Hugh Glass.  After a fatal bear mauling, Glass was barely alive.  One of the two men held liable for the care of Glass (and Hawk, his son) was greedy.  John Fitzgerald, the greedy man, shot Hawk and left Glass for dead just to collect the reward.  However, Glass fought his way back from near death.

Room is based on Emma Donaghue’s novel.  The film revolves around Ma and Jack, her son.  She’s been in human captivity at the hands of Old Nick for seven years. However,  she begins to plot an escape plan to leave Room after Jack’s fifth birthday.

Spotlight focused on the Boston Globe reporters and their 2001 investigation.  The investigation was into the sexual abuse cover-up by the local Catholic Archdiocese. Their work would shake the Catholic Church and give numerous victims back their voice.

The 2016 Oscars have other examples of captivity outside of the Best Picture category.

The Danish Girl has a woman who is trapped within the body of a man.

Ex Machina found Ava and other A.I. forced to serve and service Nathan, an egotistical billionaire and inventor.

Carol found two closeted women trapped in a 1950’s America that won’t allow them to love or lust.

Inside Out has Joy & Sadness trapped in Long Term Memory.  If they don’t return to main control, Riley will be unable to be hapy.

Straight Outta Compton found Rap Group N.W.A.’s fight against poverty and the police in South Central L.A. in focus.  N.W.A. would win this fight and millions of music fans. However, they still faced the media’s glare and inner struggles despite fame and fortune.

In summary, 2015 found Hollywood held captive on film.  Captivity is not just an American struggle but a global one.  It’s easy to be distracted by T-Rex and Kylo Ren.  However, viewers keep your eyes on the Silver Screen for the next big subject.


Best/Worst Celluloid of 2015 and Blog Update

It’s that time of year for the best and worst of 2015.

My Top 20 Films of 2015 are:

  1.  Room
  2.  The Martian
  3.  The Revenant
  4.  Trainwreck
  5.  Love & Mercy
  6.  Sleeping with Other People
  7.   Ex Machina
  8.   Mad Max:  Fury Road
  9.   Bridge of Spies
  10.   It Follows
  11.   Kingsman:  The Secret Service
  12.   Avengers:  Age of Ultron
  13.   Mr. Holmes
  14.   The Gift
  15.   Black Mass
  16.   Inside Out
  17.   Crimson Peak
  18.   The Peanuts Movie
  19.   Shawn The Sheep Movie
  20.   The Man from U.N.C.L.E

Other Noteworthy Films of 2015 include Grandma, Minions, Focus, Jurassic World, Star Wars:  The Force Awakens, & The Intern.

2015 Cult Classics:  Jupiter Ascending, Seventh Son, Pixels, Terminator: Genisys, The Good Dinosaur, The Gift, The Gallows,  Unfinished Business, Tomorrowland, Chappie

My Worst Films of 2015 are:

  1.   Jem & The Holograms*
  2.   Aloha
  3.   Pixels
  4.   Chappie
  5.   Hot Tub Time Machine 2*

*Films that I’m not planning on seeing.  The trailers alone were unbearable.

Sexiest & Most Haunting Nude Scene of 2015:  Alicia Vikander in Ex Machina

Most Painful Scene of 2015:  Matt Damon in The Martian 

WTH Nude Scene of 2015:  John Cena in Trainwreck (WWE won’t be the same.)

Best Trailer of 2015:  Mad Max:  Fury Road, Room (tie)

Most Haunting Trailer Moment of 2015:  Max (The Military Funeral Scene)

Most Heart Warming Trailer Moment of 2015:  Star Wars:  The Force Awakens (Han Solo & Chewbacca back on-screen for first time since Jedi)

Best Carry Over Film from 2014 into 2015:  American Sniper

Best Carry Over Films from 2015 into 2016:  Room, The Force Awakens, The Revenant

Breakout Actor of 2015:  Jacob Tremblay for Room

Breakout Actress of 2015:  Brie Larson for Room/Trainwreck & Alicia Vikander for Ex Machina (tie)

Best Plot Twist:  M. Night Shymalan’s The Visit  & Joel Edgerton’s The Gift (tie)

Best Animated Short of 2015:  Lava

Best Actor in a Terrible Movie:  John Krasinski for Aloha & Peter Dinklage for Pixels (tie)

Best Actress in a Terrible Movie:  Sigourney Weaver in Chappie

Best Scenes in a Terrible Movie:  Sigourney Weaver & Hugh Jackman in Chappie (They should be reunited on-screen in the upcoming Alien revival films.)



I realize that I’ve fallen behind on the Resolve Trilogy posts for Trois Coleurs and Star Wars Episodes IV-VI.  Trois Coleurs will be featured sometime in the future.  Love is still in the air for February’s theme.  Also, February will conclude David O’Russell’s Loose Trilogy posts and will still feature Linklater’s Before Trilogy.  March’s theme will be Space Opera and will feature Star Wars Episodes IV-VI.  For April, I’m considering Fools for the theme.  Films could either contain twists, laughs, and/or Razzies.  I would appreciate further input.

The opinion pieces will be featured from time to time.  I am thankful for the continued views and support.  I have difficulty and anxiety with writing and life.  Bear with me and I’ll continue to grow as a blogger.  Thanks, Again!