Boomstick Trilogy- Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987)

Evil Dead 2 found Ash (Bruce Campbell) back at the cabin with Linda.  Wait a damned minute?  Linda is alive and Ash is smitten?  No, it is only a dream.  Ash wakes up after surviving one hell of a spring break.  Take that Girls Gone Wild!  He is now possessed with a demon.  No, don’t get ahead of yourself, She Bitch is in Army of Darkness.

Meanwhile, we found Annie (Sarah Berry), Professor Knowby’s daughter, and her boyfriend, Ed Getley.  They have arrived back from an archaeological expedition with newly, discovered pages of the Necronomicon.  Annie was on her way to her father’s cabin.  However, they arrived to find a vast canyon and a blown-out bridge. They were pondering how to access the cabin.  Who knows them woods better than Jake and Bobbie Joe, his best girl.

However, they arrive to find a stranger with a bloody hand.  Annie presumed that Ash killed her parents.  Yet, she’s mistaken.  Will they be Dead by Dawn?  Will this be “A Farewell To Arms”?  We are only assured of one thing.  It Will Be Groovy!

Dead by Dawn was directed and co-written by Sam Raimi.  He departed from the seriousness of The Evil Dead but left the gore intact.  Bruce Campbell was as dapper and groovy as ever.  The second installment introduced fans to Evil Ash and the chainsaw arm.

Sam Raimi didn’t something unexpected with this film.  He made one of the scariest, funniest films since Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein.  Go ahead, take a moment to be confused.  Then, it hits like a bolt out of the blue.  The comedy team battled their way through a mysterious castle.  They faced laughs, screams, scares, and less gory deaths than Ash.  However, Raimi proved that slapstick never goes out of style.  Bruce Campbell referred to this installment as “The Introduction Of Splatstick.”

We got our groove back without loosing our heads.  We lost our hand and maybe got enough gas to fuel the chainsaw in exchange.

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