Coming of Age/WTF Were Thinking Celluloid- The Neon Demon (2016)

Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon is a modeling film that rewrites the genre. The best way to describe Demon is a David mash up.

Huh? Let me explain that. Take equal parts David Lynch, David Cronenberg, & David Fincher blend briskly with libation & drugs of your choosing.

Elle Fanning mesmerizes as Jessie. She’s got the look those other stick figures hate. The natural beauty can drive the competition to extremes.

Jena Malone puzzles us as Ruby. She’s a makeup artist in more ways than one.

However, the film’s best supporting role is by Keanu Reeves. He is out of his comfort zone as a sadistic, night manager.

The Neon Demon makes The Lobster look like Finding Dory. Viewers might also find similarities between it and Black Swan.    However, Swan succeeded by melding Fight Club with Swan Lake.  Yet, Demon feels more like an homage to 1980’s horror films with too much Karo Corn Syrup.  It is destined to become a cult classic of 2016 and for years to come.

3 thoughts on “Coming of Age/WTF Were Thinking Celluloid- The Neon Demon (2016)

  1. jahnisec

    Great review, I don’t know though, everytime I see the trailer I usually just press skip. Just, because it looks like a cliche indie teen scream horror. But, The Lobster is one of my favorite movies. So, I guess I’ll give this one a try.

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    1. Thanks, jahnisec. Neon Demon is not what I expected either. However, it also does remind viewers of Dario Argento’s films as well. We have become so accustom to formulaic horror films. It Follows was a great film that broke the mold of loss of innocence films in 2015.

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