Hot Mess Celluloid- Elle (2016)

Michele Leblanc had a great day until she saw her cat outside.  She opened the door to get it and got raped.  However, no phone call was made to the police station and a warm bath eased the discomfort.  She was back to work at her video game company without missing a step.  Yet, the thoughts raced through her mind about the attacker.

Meanwhile, she was dealing with Irene, her aging mother, and Ralf, the gigolo.  Irene was informing her of Michele’s father being parole eligible.  Again, she didn’t care.  Now, Vincent, her son, was coming to ask for rent and inform her of his pregnant girlfriend.

All she wanted was resolution and sex?  How could she think about sex after such a violent attack?  The answer was Patrick.  He was married, young, and great looking. It fit what she needed.  Hell, one of out of three’s not bad but three out of three?  She might have to pursue him.

Would Elle find her attacker?  Would Vincent be responsible and take care of his expectant girlfriend?  Would her father be paroled?  Who In The Hell Thinks About Sex After Being Raped?!

Elle was masterfully directed by Paul Verhoeven.  He excelled with this erotic thriller based on Phillippe Dijan’s novel.  The film was erotic, disturbing, and wrought with dark humor.  Isabelle Huppert found darkness and light in a character that eclipsed Sharon Stone’s Catherine Tramell.  Elle makes her look timid in comparison.  She shown the feminine mystique a new glance while viewers questioned her intentions.

American viewers may or may not realize that Verhoeven as more than an action director.  Yet, the erotic thriller and suspense were his bread and butter years before Robocop and Total Recall.  This was foreign celluloid since Black Book.  The film was beautifully accented by Anne Dudley’s score.  She composed the film in such a way that Jerry Goldsmith would’ve been proud.

Huppert has been nominated for a 2017 Best Actress Oscar for this role.  It was well deserved for a layered performance.

Viewers will be left guessing until the final moments.  Then, they will question certain events that proceeded the present as well.

Verhoeven has given his fan base what they wanted:  An erotic thriller with more turns than a mountain road.

Catherine Tramell had a great run while it lasted.  Looks like you’ll be charged with smoking and be appointed into the custody of Elle.


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