MCM Interrupting Fan/Space Opera Celluloid- Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

How I did I go from being one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to being trapped in a fiery realm?  Damned if I know and a Norse God yo-yo for Surtur at that.  He’s that flaming bloke (no, not Loki) and larger than Tony Stark’s ego.  Yeah, Point Break’s about to extinguish his ass and take another trophy back to Asgard.  Arrived home after an extended wait without a burnt lock to a quiet welcome.  Odin was watching a morality play about Loki?  Something smells like sulfur and brimstone.  Hey, it’s Loki.

Well, Dad’s in exile on Earth but we’ve got no clue where.  Couple of selfies with the ladies and Loki’s gone?  He went into a Golden Circle but not a Kingsman at work.  Yet, something Strange was afoot, Doctor Strange.  He seemed to know Dad’s local and gave up some bottomless brews while Loki was M.I.A.  Loki’s startled and it’s off to Norway.

Dad was found and told me that I’m not his first born.  He mentioned Ragnarok (end of Asgard) and it can’t be stopped.  One goddess would return to claim it. Her name was Hela (Goddess of Death) and she had a passion for destruction and domination (Christian Grey, eat your heart out!).  Loki and I were moved when Dad left this world for Valhalla.

Wait, She’s Here!  My Hammer will stop her…CRUNCH?!  Return to Asgard but I’m nothing without it.  She’s fighting us back through the portal.  Now, we’ve fallen onto an uncharted planet called Sakaar.   Yet, She’s returned home?

How would Loki and I return?  What exactly was Sakaar?  How did Hulk get here? Could Ragnarok be stopped?

Thor: Ragnarok was a great departure from Thor and Thor: The Dark World.  It had the feel of Flash Gordon in a Marvel Universe film.  Chris Hemsworth channeled his inner Star Lord as Thor.  Tom Hiddleston turned in another seductive, yet cheeky turn as Loki.  Cate Blanchett was devilishly divine as Hela.  Mark Ruffalo shined as Bruce Banner/Hulk.  Yet, Jeff Goldblum chewed up the scenery as Grand Master, the creator of Sakaar.

Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows) directed this action and laugh filled installment.  Mark Mothersbaugh’s (that guy from Devo) electronically infused score was hypnotically addictive.   The art direction and production design were a great mixture of Flash Gordon and Star Wars.

Ragnarok was The Best Thor Film and One of 2017’s Best Films.  It (alongside Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2) was One of Funniest Marvel Films to Date.

Anniversary/Supernatural Celluloid- Candyman (1992)

Helen Lyle was married to a University of Illinois professor.  They shared an affinity for urban legends.  She was writing her thesis about this subject but was focused on local serial killings.  One name kept appearing all over town for decades.  The name was Candyman.  Was he real or just a ghost story?  How far would she go to find out?

Candyman was based on Clive Barker’s short story,“The Forbidden”.  Bernard Rose carefully directed and adapted this into film.  His pot-boiling suspense and blood splatter was accented by Philip Glass’ organ rich score.  Virginia Madsen was beautiful and inquisitive as Helen.  She captured brilliantly how curiosity could cause an unexpected decent into madness.  However, one can’t have Beauty without a Beast.  Tony Todd was mesmerizing and seductive as Candyman.  His stature and unexpected charisma brought an extra dimension of terror to this morality play.

Twenty five years later, viewers will still be left in shock and awe.  It proves that some mysteries are best left unsolved.  Before, we feared speaking Bloody Mary three times into a mirror.  After this release, we’ve added Candyman just in case.  Be mindful of a mysterious hooked man in the shadows.  If one doesn’t now him, don’t dare speak that name…CANDYMAN!