Futurist Celluloid- Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Zombieland:  Double Tap picks up many years after the first film.  Tallahassee, Columbus, Little Rock and Columbus are still a dysfunctional, nuclear family.  They make The Bundys look like The Cleavers.  It’s getting harder to find decent accommodations but resources are still scattered.  However, the zombies are beginning to evolve in speed, intelligence and stupidity.  Yes, it’s no different than our American society now.  Yet, our favorite post-apocalyptic clan hits a snag when Little Rock finds a love in Berkeley (no, not the city but a guy).  Would our ragtag misfits stay together, grow apart or become zombie chow.

Double Tap works thanks to the returning leads: Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg and Abigail Breslin.  Harrelson eats the scenery and even sings a bit.  It’s packed with many surprises, laughs and heart just like the original.  Oh, don’t leave during the closing credits.   It’s One of 2019’s Best Comedies, Best Films and Best Sci-Fi Films.

So, pack your rations, munitions and pack to see this film.  Looking forward to a second screening of this one again.

Anniversary/Underdog Celluloid- Ed Wood (1994)

Ed Wood still speaks volumes to struggling actors, writers & directors 25 years later.  Tim Burton masterfully captured the angora clad genius of “The Worst Director of All Time”. The film worked because of the great ensemble including Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette, Bill Murray & Vincent D’Onofrio.

However, the rapport between Ed Wood (played by Johnny Depp) and Bela Lugosi (portrayed by the late Martin Landau) elevated the story to new heights.  Landau won the 1995 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of the Boris Karloff hating Lugosi.  He wore the masterful makeup of Rick Baker (who captured a 1995 Oscar for this project).

It remains One of Burton’s Best & Most Underrated Films of his long career.  However, this was the second film with Depp (previous was Edward Scissorhands) and would lead to other collaborations including Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland.  Yet, this is One of Johnny Depp’s Funniest and Most Enduring Roles.

So, get ready to be inspired and enjoy this piece of schlock.  What did you expect Karloff to steal Lugosi’s thunder?  Never!!!