Anniversary/Interrupting Fan/Futurist Celluloid- Fight Club (1999)

Hi, I’m Jack but not really sure if that’s me.  I worked in a cube farm and the Ikea catalog was my true love.  I’ve been an unhappy insomniac for years until my doctor told me about a support group.  It was Men Standing Together and all the guys had survived testicular cancer.  I didn’t know it then but Bob or Robert Paulson would change me.  He held me and finally got to let go through tears.  I can hear some of you saying, “Pansy, Sissy or some other horrible things.”  Finally, sleep was a regular part of me again.  Until, Marla Sanger showed up to this group and all the others.  What A Bitch!  Wait, who’s this guy?  Tyler Durden?  He’s got a different view of the world but not sure what.  Would he change my life?  Would Marla ever stop being such a blowhard?  Who would cry with Robert?

Fight Club was directed by David Fincher & adapted by Jim Uhls (from Chuck Pahluniuk’s novel).  Brad Pitt was paired with Fincher again (Se7en was their first collaboration together).  He had the perfect swagger & right silver tongued dialogue as Tyler Durden.  Edward Norton played the narrator or Jack with a sly, timid perfection.  Helena Bonham Carter owned Marla’s rancid, parasitic demeanor.  The cast included rocker Meat Loaf as Bob and future rocker Jared Leto as Angel Face.

This is the 20th anniversary of this landmark film.  The film was a failure at the box office but gained following among critics and open minded individuals.  It unknowingly predicted the materialistic and parasitic rise of corporations & technology into our lives.  Also, it spoke to a new generation longing for a change.  The film’s ending would become more haunting and somewhat discussed after Sept.  11, 2001.   On another note, people quote different lines and mantras many years after it’s premiere.

Remember We Don’t Talk About It!


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