Anniversary/Interrupting Fan Celluloid- True Lies (1994)

Hello, I’m Simon.  I enjoy danger, fast cars and the ladies.  My motto is “Fear Is Not An Option.”  However, my world changed when Helen Tasker was in a D.C. Chinese restaurant.  Behind those librarian classes, I knew that there was more than meets the eye.  She held an important suitcase that contained secrets or so I told her.  Easy there, killer?

Who the hell are you?  I’m Gibs but it doesn’t matter.  You’ve messed with the wrong housewife.  He’ll take Corvette but that’s the least of your worries.

Would Simon live to Lie Another Day?  Would Helen find who has a License to Kill? Would Gibs always be the guy in the Van?  Yes, Gibs would remain in the van.

True Lies was directed, adapted and co-produced by James Cameron (Terminator 2).  It remains One of His Best Films & Only True Action Comedy to date.  The cast was led by Arnold Schwarzenegger & Jamie Lee Curtis.  However, the biggest scene stealer was the late Bill Paxton as Simon the Car Salesman/Wannabe Spy.  The rest of the ensemble included Tia Carrere, Eliza Dushku & Tom Arnold.  It definitely stands up some 25 years later.   McG is talks to do a Disney + live action series sometime in the near future.

Anniversary/Interrupting Fan/Futurist Celluloid- Fight Club (1999)

Hi, I’m Jack but not really sure if that’s me.  I worked in a cube farm and the Ikea catalog was my true love.  I’ve been an unhappy insomniac for years until my doctor told me about a support group.  It was Men Standing Together and all the guys had survived testicular cancer.  I didn’t know it then but Bob or Robert Paulson would change me.  He held me and finally got to let go through tears.  I can hear some of you saying, “Pansy, Sissy or some other horrible things.”  Finally, sleep was a regular part of me again.  Until, Marla Sanger showed up to this group and all the others.  What A Bitch!  Wait, who’s this guy?  Tyler Durden?  He’s got a different view of the world but not sure what.  Would he change my life?  Would Marla ever stop being such a blowhard?  Who would cry with Robert?

Fight Club was directed by David Fincher & adapted by Jim Uhls (from Chuck Pahluniuk’s novel).  Brad Pitt was paired with Fincher again (Se7en was their first collaboration together).  He had the perfect swagger & right silver tongued dialogue as Tyler Durden.  Edward Norton played the narrator or Jack with a sly, timid perfection.  Helena Bonham Carter owned Marla’s rancid, parasitic demeanor.  The cast included rocker Meat Loaf as Bob and future rocker Jared Leto as Angel Face.

This is the 20th anniversary of this landmark film.  The film was a failure at the box office but gained following among critics and open minded individuals.  It unknowingly predicted the materialistic and parasitic rise of corporations & technology into our lives.  Also, it spoke to a new generation longing for a change.  The film’s ending would become more haunting and somewhat discussed after Sept.  11, 2001.   On another note, people quote different lines and mantras many years after it’s premiere.

Remember We Don’t Talk About It!


Futurist Celluloid- Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Zombieland:  Double Tap picks up many years after the first film.  Tallahassee, Columbus, Little Rock and Columbus are still a dysfunctional, nuclear family.  They make The Bundys look like The Cleavers.  It’s getting harder to find decent accommodations but resources are still scattered.  However, the zombies are beginning to evolve in speed, intelligence and stupidity.  Yes, it’s no different than our American society now.  Yet, our favorite post-apocalyptic clan hits a snag when Little Rock finds a love in Berkeley (no, not the city but a guy).  Would our ragtag misfits stay together, grow apart or become zombie chow.

Double Tap works thanks to the returning leads: Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg and Abigail Breslin.  Harrelson eats the scenery and even sings a bit.  It’s packed with many surprises, laughs and heart just like the original.  Oh, don’t leave during the closing credits.   It’s One of 2019’s Best Comedies, Best Films and Best Sci-Fi Films.

So, pack your rations, munitions and pack to see this film.  Looking forward to a second screening of this one again.

Interrupting Fan/Anti-Hero Celluloid- Deadpool 2 (2018)

Oh, Hello!  Deadpool here.  Two years can make such a difference.  Timberlake went from bringing Sexy Back to being a sexless dad.  Bill Cosby went from beloved television dad to Uhh?  Yes, I’m not even touching that with a 39.5′ pole.

On a brighter note, I’m still banging Brody’s estranged wife and loving all forty-three seconds of it each time.  She’s the one thing that keeps me going strong.  It tops blood lust, gun play, Pokemon Go, skee ball, pegging, musicals and matching sweaters.  No, Vanessa is really the best thing that’s every happened to me.  Well, there’s her, Bernadette Peters and Yentl?  Oy, Vey!  Someone must be putting estrogen in those Jack and Cokes again.  Son of a Bitch!

Wait, Who’s that guy with a glowing eye and metal arm?  No, it’s not Stefon at a Robocop/Terminator gang bang again.  He’s Cable.  Boy, Directv must’ve really fucked him over.  Wait, what did that Fireball kid do?  He’s not the one who invented that cinnamon liquor.  Oh, I forgot that used to be Blind Al’s stripper/escort name back in the early 20th Century.

Would I cut Cable?  What’s Vanessa really want?  Will Blind Al every see or just smell my farts instead?  Is this kid an adolescent berserker or just in need of a hug and Slim Jims?

Deadpool 2 continued the atypical story of Marvel’s least favorite X-Man.  Yes, it’s very degrading and sexist but that’s enough about Harvey Weinstein.  We came (well, not in this theater) to see Ryan Reynolds return as Deadpool.  He produced and co-wrote the second installment as well.  Josh Brolin took a break from collecting stones and provided a straight-edged comic alternative to Reynolds.  He laughed at himself and his stepmom throughout the film.

The soundtrack must have been from Mike Pence’s redacted Apple/Spotify playlist.  It included such artists as Dolly Parton, Barbra Streisand, A-Ha and Celine Dion.  Viewers might be seeing this as some strange drag show for years to come.  Well, Elton should’ve been included but they were “All Out Of Love” and wanting to “Turn Back Time”.

The film provided some of the bawdiest, bluest humor and blood splatter in many years.  It had some of the best twists, surprise cameos and WTF moments of 2018.  This is One of 2018’s Best Comedies and Best Films.  Don’t be shocked, the breathes will return from gasping with laughter and other second guessing about bathroom sushi.  Yikes, Wade’s still writing this apparently.

Thud!  Thanks, Colossus.  Well, I’ve got to feed Second Place Oscar here.  Grab your X-Force and fly that Blackbird to a theater nearby for this one.


MCM Interrupting Fan/Space Opera Celluloid- Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

How I did I go from being one of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to being trapped in a fiery realm?  Damned if I know and a Norse God yo-yo for Surtur at that.  He’s that flaming bloke (no, not Loki) and larger than Tony Stark’s ego.  Yeah, Point Break’s about to extinguish his ass and take another trophy back to Asgard.  Arrived home after an extended wait without a burnt lock to a quiet welcome.  Odin was watching a morality play about Loki?  Something smells like sulfur and brimstone.  Hey, it’s Loki.

Well, Dad’s in exile on Earth but we’ve got no clue where.  Couple of selfies with the ladies and Loki’s gone?  He went into a Golden Circle but not a Kingsman at work.  Yet, something Strange was afoot, Doctor Strange.  He seemed to know Dad’s local and gave up some bottomless brews while Loki was M.I.A.  Loki’s startled and it’s off to Norway.

Dad was found and told me that I’m not his first born.  He mentioned Ragnarok (end of Asgard) and it can’t be stopped.  One goddess would return to claim it. Her name was Hela (Goddess of Death) and she had a passion for destruction and domination (Christian Grey, eat your heart out!).  Loki and I were moved when Dad left this world for Valhalla.

Wait, She’s Here!  My Hammer will stop her…CRUNCH?!  Return to Asgard but I’m nothing without it.  She’s fighting us back through the portal.  Now, we’ve fallen onto an uncharted planet called Sakaar.   Yet, She’s returned home?

How would Loki and I return?  What exactly was Sakaar?  How did Hulk get here? Could Ragnarok be stopped?

Thor: Ragnarok was a great departure from Thor and Thor: The Dark World.  It had the feel of Flash Gordon in a Marvel Universe film.  Chris Hemsworth channeled his inner Star Lord as Thor.  Tom Hiddleston turned in another seductive, yet cheeky turn as Loki.  Cate Blanchett was devilishly divine as Hela.  Mark Ruffalo shined as Bruce Banner/Hulk.  Yet, Jeff Goldblum chewed up the scenery as Grand Master, the creator of Sakaar.

Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows) directed this action and laugh filled installment.  Mark Mothersbaugh’s (that guy from Devo) electronically infused score was hypnotically addictive.   The art direction and production design were a great mixture of Flash Gordon and Star Wars.

Ragnarok was The Best Thor Film and One of 2017’s Best Films.  It (alongside Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2) was One of Funniest Marvel Films to Date.

MCM Interrupting Fan/Super Hero Celluloid- Kurt Russell in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Yeah, we saved the freaking galaxy from those A-Holes Ronan and Thanos.  All we got was a new Milano spaceship and told to be good.  Are we being good?  Hell, No!

Did I mention that I’m a dad?  Well, I’m a surrogate, humanoid father.  Yep, Groot is more than a twig now.  He’s a little tree with limbs.  Hey, Don’t Blame Me if that jokes lame; Drax wrote it!  Star Lord is still smitten over Gamora.  He’ll learn eventually that she’s green with envy but not for Terran.

We saved The Sovereign from some space monster ala Howard The Duck.  Did they give us some space batteries?  Mmm, ALL RIGHHT!  Well, Drax made me do it.  Uh, Oh!  Getting chased through space and we crashed the Milano on an isolated planet.

Wait,  a spaceship landed adjacent to ours.  A bearded man and a bug lady stepped out.  They offered us temporary quarters on Ego.  He has a beard and his own planet?

Stay here.  What the eff for?  I’ve got to fix the ship, watch Groot and guard Nebula?  No, we didn’t get credits for taking out Howard’s monster.  We got Thanos’ cybernetic daughter and Gamora’s worst enemy.

What’s up with Ego?  Is Nebula gonna become a hero?  Where’s Yondu?  How come Ego looks like Star Lord?  Can Rocket Raccoon get to blow some s**t up?

Well, you bet your sweet ass that I will.  The rest will be revealed soon.

Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 2 was written and directed by James Gunn.  He managed to increase the humor, action and heart of Vol. 1.  Dave Bautista’s Drax has the honor of out humoring Chris Pratt’s Star Lord and Bradley Cooper’s Rocket Raccoon.  Zoe Saldana’s Gamora went toe to toe with Karen Gillan’s Nebula as an even fight card.  Yet, Kurt Russell was masterfully funny and seductive as Ego.

Vol. 2 is one of 2017’s Best Comedies and Ten Best Films Overall.  It has some of the year’s most unexpected plot twists and communal moments in cinema as well.

No spoilers here.  Well, hausdex will give viewers the two following comedic highlights:  Groot dances and Stan Lee talking with alien overlords.

The Awesome Mix Vol. 2 included “Southern Nights”, “Mr. Blue Sky” and “Fox on the Run”.  Gunn broke tradition by adding and co-writing a new track called “Guardians Inferno” during the end credits.

Fuel up the Milano, bring extra spacesuits, batteries for the Walkman and see this film before it leaves your galaxy.


Super/Anti-Hero Celluloid- Logan (2017)

The year is 2029.  Mutants are nearly extinct.  However, James “Logan” Howlett (aka Wolverine) doesn’t resemble the Weapon X of Days of Future Past.  He’s a chauffeur by day and occasional liberator by night.  Also, he’s semi-retired in Mexico with an old mentor, Charles Xavier.  Charles isn’t as he once was but still has his moments.  They live together in some twisted form of solitude.  Logan works to get medication for him.  However, their lives are about to change with one phone call and a “normal” girl named Laura.

Who is Laura?  What will happen to Professor X?  Will Logan ever be invincible again?

Logan was directed and co-written by James Mangold (The Wolverine).  Mangold has crafted a film with humor, brutality, social commentary and heart.  Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart were brilliant and hilarious together on-screen. However , Dafne Keen has the breakthrough performance as Laura.  She spent the majority of the film in virtual silence but had some unexpected violent outbursts.

It was one of 2017’s Best Films and The Best X-Men Film Ever.  Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart should be Oscar-nominated for their roles as Logan and Charles Xavier.  Viewers will be left talking long after the credits.


WCW Anniversary/Space Opera Celluloid- Sigourney Weaver in Aliens (1986)

“Get away from her, You Bitch!”

Ellen Ripley awakes in a commercial space vessel.  She was pleased that Jonesy the Cat survived.  They escaped the Nostromo together but there’s a catch.  57 years have passed since the tragic events that occurred on LV-426.

She has constant nightmares about being impregnated by the Alien.  However, the confines are safe and all’s well.  Carter Burke wants her to assist in a mission.  He’s a corporate a-hole and was intent on harvesting the creatures alive.  Then, he wants to bring them back for further research.

Ripley was pissed off and not having any of that.  He offered her a position as a flight officer on a mission.  She would be leading Space Marines but she refused.  He placed her as an adviser instead reluctantly.  The mission was to return to LV-426.

Since her long rest, the planet had been colonized successfully.  Something went wrong and all the humans were wiped out.  Ellen knows why and how but Burke has a money boner like nobody’s business.

Did Burke get his samples?  Would Ripley rip the a-hole a new one?  Bishop’s an android but did they correct the prior errors from Nostromo?

Aliens was directed and co-written by James Cameron.  He took the universe created by Dan O’Bannon & Ronald Shusett and cranked it to eleven.  Sigourney Weaver returned as Ripley.  She was back at kicking ass and taking names in deep space.  Paul Reiser was terrific and an atypical rival for her.  He was best known for being a stand-up comic but his timing countered Weaver equally.

The film was a critical and financial success.  It earned 7 1987 Oscar nominations including Best Actress (Sigourney Weaver) and Best Original Score (James Horner).

Yet, it won for Best Visual Effects (created by the late Stan Winston) & Best Sound Editing.  Winston took the creature created by H.R. Giger and increased the species number.  He introduced the Face Huggers and the Hive Queen to the Alien universe.  This would be a continuation of their work from The Terminator.  It would span several films including Terminator 2:  Judgment DayAvatar.

Cameron would later reunite with Weaver for Avatar in 2009.  Yet, it was this first pairing that solidified their sci-fi cult status.  She continued to grow as Ripley and influence a younger group of fans (this blogger included).  Cameron let other dominate female characters take shape as well in the film.  He had several headstrong, female Space Marines including Corporal Dietrich and Private Vasquez.  The little surprise of strong female roles was Newt.  She survived and evaded the Hive Queen and Drones despite the odds.

Be warned of the following and heed Newt’s advice:  “…They mostly come at night.  Mostly…”

Don’t miss this sci-fi classic!  Set plasma rifles to torch and show that Hive Queen who’s boss!

WCW Wild Rebel Celluloid- Margot Robbie in The Legend of Tarzan (2016)

King Leopold II of Belgium sent Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz) to the Congo.  Rom wanted diamonds and material objects at any cost (including slaves) despite his majesty.  However, he can get all diamonds in the Congo from Chief Mongo (Djimon Hounsou).  Mongo wanted Tarzan.  Rom agreed to the terms.

In Victorian London, John Clayton III aka Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgard) was leading a luxurious, yet quiet life.  He was married to Jane (Margot Robbie).  All is well until he heard from the Prime Minister (Jim Broadbent).  He had heard that all isn’t well in the Congo (Tarzan’s second home).  The Belgians brought in armed mercenaries and used slave labor for railroad and military housing construction. Also, the United States had a vested interest in this resolving it as well.  They sent George Washington Williams (Samuel L. Jackson) as an ambassador to bring down the unspeakable element responsible.

Would Tarzan take the bait from Rom? Would Williams give the Congolese liberation?  Would Jane stay in London or forego the luxuries for the Congo? Who will lead the gorillas as well?

The Legend of Tarzan is one of the summer’s best popcorn films.  David Yates (Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows I & II) takes viewers seamlessly from Victorian London to the vast wilderness of the Congo.  Craig Brewer & Adam Kozad give a big, heartfelt adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan stories.

However, it wouldn’t have been possible without Tarzan and Jane.  Alexander Skarsgard is dashing and bashing as Tarzan.  Margot Robbie smolders as Jane.  She proves that beauty and brains can tame any savage beast.

They aren’t outdone by Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz.  Jackson takes a different side of Django in this outing.  He relishes playing a liberator instead of a captive.  Yet, Waltz is continuing his string of villainous turns and doesn’t disappoint.  Rom isn’t as evil as a Nazi officer but he’s pretty damned close.

The film captures several sweeping sequences of gorilla and animal warfare.  It features one of 2016’s best fights between Tarzan and a rival gorilla.

The Legend of Tarzan packs a punch and wets the pallet for War of the Planet of the Apes in 2017.  It is also one of the summer’s best romances along with being an action film.

Gather a expedition to a theater nearby for this jungle cruise like no other.


Margot Robbie is a native Australian.  She began her rise to fame on the Aussie soap opera, Neighbours from 2008-11.  Robbie is in good company with this soap. Alumni of this show include Russell Crowe, Jesse Spencer, Liam & Chris Hemsworth, and Kylie Minogue.  However, American audiences got to know her briefly on Pan-Am from 2011-12 on ABC.

Yet, her big break came in 2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street opposite Leonardo DiCaprio.  Yes, Scorsese has a great eye for blondes with…great talent.  What did you expect me to say? 😉

Her success opposite Leo lead to another unlikely pairing in 2015.  She was cast as a fledgling grifter in Focus opposite Will Smith.  Robbie had no trouble seducing Smith and fans alike.  It was another critical and box office success following up Wolf of Wall Street.

She had a brief role as herself in 2015’s The Big Short. The description of subprime loans has never looked or sounded as sexy before or since.  The bubbles must have helped the film garner Oscar nominations and a win for Adapted Screenplay.  Adam McKay should’ve thanked Robbie and those bubbles in the acceptance speech.  Yet, I digress.

2016 is proving to be her best year yet. Margot played real life reporter Tanya Vanderpoel in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot opposite Tina Fey and Martin Freeman.  She had no trouble taming the jungles in The Legend of Tarzan.

Although, she will capture hearts and dodge gunfire in Suicide Squad as Harley Quinn.  Ms. Quinn is best known to comic book fans as The Joker’s right hand woman.  Don’t let those curves fool you, she’s one dangerous broad.

Here’s to Margot Robbie.  A real sheila with beauty, brains, and brawn.

MCM True Rebel Celluloid- Matthew McConaughey in Free State of Jones (2016)

Free State of Jones is a true story.  Newton Knight (Matthew McCounaughey) fought for the Mississippi 7th Battalion and was a nurse.  However, his loyalty changed once Daniel, his son was drafted. Also, Newton’s 10% of property (including Daniel) was seized by the Confederate forces. His son’s death would change his loyalty.  However, it was just the beginning of his personal revolution.  Yet, he wasn’t the one Rebel that was against slavery.  He would become an unlikely hero.

Also, the film fast forwards to the 20th Century to the trial of Davis Knight.  Davis was the great-grandson of Newton Knight.  His race and heritage were being called into question.

What happened next wasn’t taught in any American History course?

Free State of Jones is directed and co-written by Gary Ross (The Hunger Games). Matthew McConaughey is terrific as Newton.  Ross doesn’t shy away from the true cost of freedom and war.  The film is graphic but true to life.  At the screening I attended, one female viewer walked out after the opening battle and didn’t return.

This is a timely film considering how often race and other attributes are being drudged up in an election year.

Free State proves that this has been ongoing before The Civil War and long afterwards.  America has come a long way, but we still have a ways to go.