Resolution Celluloid- The Revenant (2015)

The Revenant is inspired by Hugh Glass’ story of survival in 19th Century South Dakota.  Prior to the story, Glass’ (Leonardo DiCaprio) life was shattered years prior to this journey.  Powaqa, his Pawnee wife, was mother to his son, Hawk.  She was killed during a tribal raid and left Hugh to raise their young son.   Many years later, Glass and his teenage son were fur trappers for Captain Jack Henry’s (Domhnall Gleason) company.  However, they were still dodging tribesmen looking for his presumed, living wife.  The constant Indian raids frustrated fellow trappers including John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy).

The company saw increased success with Glass and son.  However, their luck was about to change.  Hugh got mauled by a mother bear protecting her cubs.  The Henry trappers caught him in time to stabilize his life functions.  The Captain decided to venture onward but left two volunteers to care for Hugh & Hawk.  However, the two men were to be paid $150 if Glass died.   The two men were Fitzgerald (Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter).  However, Fitzgerald’s greed and dishonesty were greater than Bridger’s.  Would this lead to a tragedy for Hugh?  Would Capt. Henry be informed of the loss?

The Revenant was partially inspired by Michael Punke’s 2002 novel along with true events.  It was co-adapted, produced, and directed by Oscar-winner Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (Birdman).  He has taken a gamble by making a western in a time of superheroes and supernatural resurgence.  Emmanuel Lubezki is fresh off of a 2015 Oscar win for Cinematography and could be poised for another nod/win.  His work is quiet and visceral simultaneously throughout the film.

Leonardo DiCaprio is gruff and empathetic as Hugh Glass.  His character has similarities with the female lead in I Spit on Your Grave (1978).  However, Tom Hardy is sadistic, heinous, and almost unrecognizable as Fitzgerald;  he’s equivalent to the male rapists in Grave.  However, Glass wasn’t raped in this case by Fitzgerald but his motives were on the same par.  Viewers might be scratching their heads while reading this.

(WARNING: The following explanation of I Spit on Your Grave spoilers…Be Advised):

(The woman is raped and left for dead by the apathetic chauvinists.  However, the rapists are shocked when she is still turned on by their virility.  Feminists don’t fear; she used some major shade to get her way. She seduced, mutilated, and murdered all of them.)

Innaritu has created another memorable film that stands as one of 2015’s 10 Best Films.  He has taken the eroticism out of Tristan’s bear encounter from Legends of the Fall.    Also, he created an isolated landscape where viewers can almost taste the consumption, gangrene, frostbite, body odor, and unimaginable pain.  This is what all filmmakers and screenwriters should yearn for.  It’s a complicated feat that keeps viewers challenged.  DiCaprio could potentially win Best Actor for his most in-depth role since The Aviator.  Hardy should be nominated/win for Best Supporting Actor for his atypical turn.

Along with The Martian, viewers are praying and thanking the fates that Smell-O-Vision hasn’t been invented.  However, Revenant should join its place next to The Martian at the 2016 Oscars.

The Revenant won 3 2016 Oscars:  Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Cinematography.



Altered History Celluloid- The Good Dinosaur (2015)

What if the asteroid didn’t kill the dinosaurs 65 Million Years Ago?

The Good Dinosaur revolves around this concept.  We find a brontosaurus farming family of two on hatch watch.  They are blessed with three:  Libby, Buddy, & Arlo.  Libby and Buddy are normal sized but Arlo is the runt.  Arlo’s siblings are more apt to bigger tasks but he gets the smaller task.  He is frustrated until Poppa decides to give him a challenge: catch and smash the creature taking the winter rations.  The creature is caught but Arlo can’t seal the deal.  It presents a bigger problem when Arlo and Poppa go after it.

Will Arlo leave his mark?  Will the creature live?

Dinosaur is the latest offering from Disney/Pixar.  Peter Sohn directs a film that is more for adults than families.  He guides through a land of beauty and wonder but with scary dangers as well. Adults will find themselves moved by the hardships faced by the characters.

The film has more of a western flare that is atypical of Pixar.  It is a western because the unlikely son has to prove himself worthy of responsibility.  Also, he must grow up to learn survival, fighting, and agriculture.  He will learn to understand, love, and appreciate the unknown.  The children will enjoy some of the less scary dinosaurs and animals.

Viewers should be prepared to have adult conversations with children regarding death, responsibility, and tolerance.  This is a very emotional film more for the adults than for the children.  However, it is a starting point for transitions that we all face throughout life.